среда, 7 ноября 2012 г.

Sake only reveals the sincerity of the heart

Japanese DRINK

Japan - a unique, mysterious, and with nothing comparable countries. The Japanese, like no other, honor the traditions and culture of honor. One manifestation of this respect, the most valuable heritage, which is carefully passed down from generation to generation, is the culture of the Japanese national drink called sake.

Sake - a traditional Japanese alcoholic beverage, or as it is called, "sake", "Osaka", "seiche" or "nihonshu" is not a cereal distillate as Japanese rice wine or rice whiskey. Sake is not thrown out, his "wandering" (produced by cbrazhivaniya) as wine and beer from the ground, boiled rice.

Although sake is often mistakenly referred to as "rice vodka," fortress of the drink is usually only about 14-25%.

Originally sake - a ritual drink. So far, he has a role in certain Shinto rituals. Basically drink meant for the deity to appease him and secure way yields for the period of rice cultivation.

The history of sake is lost in the mists of time. It is believed that the Japanese began to brew sake, about two thousand years ago. Perhaps the recipe was imported from China, where rice wine has been popular in the VIII. BC. e.

Initially, the right manufacturing sake had only members of the royal family, and later adopted a skill, Buddhist monks, and only in the Middle Ages, the drink began to make farms for themselves. Way to get a drink in those days was very picturesque, but not very hygienic.

Rice grains just chewed and spat in wooden containers, where without any austere and fermentation took place. Cleaner sake began to receive only in the XII century. On an industrial scale, a drink made with steel XVII century. The heyday was in the production of sake during the Edo period (1600-1868).

Imperial drink
Modern production of traditional drinks

The advanced technology of sake perfectly combines traditional techniques and the latest technology. Because of this and get high quality beverage, is considered environmentally friendly. For the preparation of sake rice is used special varieties that differ by large and heavy grains with high starch content. The best varieties of rice for sake considered "Yamada Nishiki" and "Omata." Special demands are made on the water - it must contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, but it is free from iron and manganese.

In the first stage of production rice polish, and the grind of 10% to 50% (for the expensive varieties) grain. Polished rice is washed with water and soaked for a time from several hours to days. Then the rice is treated with steam. Part of parboiled rice is used to make sourdough - added to it a culture of yeast and mold stand in warm and hot room for about 35 hours.

Next, the resulting mash is mixed with steamed rice and water, and then within 15-35 days is the main fermentation. The resulting drink is settled and filtered. For the sake of obtaining a more delicate taste and restraint use pasteurization in special airtight containers for 6-12 months.

High quality drink

Finished drink is colorless and transparent, has an average strength of 16-20%., Though there are more than%. Sake is classified according to four main criteria: sweet - spicy and easy - strong. Usually easily check for dryness. That is, the stronger the sake, the drier and rougher taste. With such a measure as "sweet - spicy" things easier. The higher the corresponding number, the sweeter the Sake. A higher number means the severity that this drink will burn your tongue like pepper. Of the major manufacturers can mention 'Savanotsuru' ('Crane Swamp'), which has been 300 years of producing the same name sake in Kobe. In the same prefecture, and the plant operates another company - 'Hakutsuru' ('White Crane'), producing also quite well-known brand.

Culture of drinking sake is a whole ritual of the Japanese. Drink bottled in ceramic bottles of 360 grams, called tokkuri. Drink sake and cold, and warmed up to 45-50 °. In restaurants, it uses a special oven. At home tokkuri put in a water bath.

Upon reaching the desired temperature earthen vessel is placed in a special ceramic support - tokkuri Hakam, and served to the table. Should drink small sips of sake from small, accommodating 30-40 grams, the glasses, called points you. Sake will not tolerate haste and everyday attitude.

Culture of drinking

And still wondering - why it warmed sake? There are several versions. The basic version, honest and practical, says the benefits of a warm drink in the cold season. In this first hand could not see anyone, and the Japanese Emperor Saga, the years of which in the first half of the IX century. You can really be called the era of peace and tranquility.

Somehow this son of the sky went hunting and suddenly felt a chill. Accompanying him left Minister Fujiwara Fuyutsugu not confused, heated sake and gave the emperor. By the back a good mood, and chills were completely forgotten. This is the first warming of sake in Japan, documented. They say that since then, among the aristocracy was taken on September drink cold sake, and from October to February - warmed.
That is fed to SACE

The taste of sake is very specific. This is particularly so when you drink unheated drink. Man accustomed to vodka, at first it may seem that he poured poorly cooked and though much diluted moonshine.

Traditional snack - dried squid and small Japanese sandwiches - sushi. They serve as the basis for the sticky rice cakes. As a supplement can serve eel, tuna, eggs and even sea urchin. Seafood, in fact.

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