Chacha - this drink, made from grapes in the northern Caucasus. Chacha refers to numerous representation brandy is distilled spirits, because sometimes the percentage of alcohol in it reaches 60. Analog Chachi is an Italian grappa.
This chacha have to be prepared in Georgia and Abkhazia as well as local winemakers know the secrets of the ancient technology of this unique drink.
Along with industrial production, both in Georgia and Abkhazia pervasive worldwide home production Chachi. Chacha is a favorite for mountaineers strong drink, but they do not abuse, and drink a glass or a small glass of cold weather or in winter. Almost every self-respecting resident in the household has small reserves of Chachi, as it is considered a symbol of longevity. Earlier in Abkhazia chacha used as an aperitif, this drink is now mainly used in informal feasts. Chacha use exclusively in pure form, and depending on the area in which it used (in Abkhazia and Georgia) snack it differently.
"PAST HAVE NOSE chacha, BY ROTA - plum ..."
In Georgia, chacha is made mainly from grapes Rkatsiteli, and breakaway Abkhazia once - of sorts Isabella and Akachich. Apparently, out of protest Abkhazians do not want to repeat the Georgian tradition. For production use chacha immature grapes along with a comb, which lowers the acidity of the drink, plus the significantly increases its PH, so that its strength is not as acute taste buds.
Chacha can also be made from grape pomace, that is, from the pressed grapes from which the wine is already prepared material. In either of the two options chacha is distilled one, rarely two.
Chacha, whatever strength was obtained distillate - 40 degrees or all 75, - never blended and diluted with water. In distillation Chachi - unlike, for example, from brandy - not cut off neither the first nor the last portions of alcohol. Because of this almost without loss remains tart flavor seed and grape skin, but at the same time, the drink gets full range of fusel oils. They have to fight through a variety of filters and absorbents - Burning of the bones to the milk.
After distillation, the resulting drink is bottled, and some varieties are sent to infuse into oak barrels. As you know, aging in oak barrels - the first sign of nobility drink that puts chacha on par with renowned alcohol.
Quality of cooked Chachi checked winemakers original way: a little ebb Chachi in a glass, winemaker dips her finger in, and then ignites it - if chacha completely burned out and burned her finger, then the quality of the drink is good, and it is safe to be called chacha.
The traditional drink of the Caucasus
Symbol of longevity
By the way, sometimes called chacha in Georgia fruity brew, not necessarily from the grapes and mandarin or persimmons, figs and oranges, tutions (mulberries) or plum. To be sure, this is the national drink of Georgian products, and the beginning of its production goes back centuries. So far in the Georgian villages, almost every yard, made its chacha, the recipe of which is known only to this family - the keeper of family traditions, and the secret of this is passed on from generation to generation for over a millennium.
Grape Georgian chacha has transparent dew expressed noble flavor and softness of a pure taste. Fortress - about 50%.
Usually chacha used in its pure form. But can also be used to make various cocktails with fresh fruit and ice. In a peasant Georgia and Abkhazia glass or small glass of chacha traditionally accepted drink in the morning, especially in cold weather. In western Georgia chacha sweet snack, and in East - pickles.
It is believed that the daily consumption of a Chachi - the key to health and longevity. Chacha - strong alcoholic drink, so if it does not have a snack, it may cause severe intoxication or poisoning people (in high doses).
If you are not willing to try chacha in its pure form, or simply do not like hard liquor, use the following simple recipe:
"Georgian pear"
• 70 ml Chachi,
• 20 ml peach liqueur
• a little lemon juice.
Whisk all ingredients together with ice in a shaker and drink are served in the prepared glass.
"Tbilisi Fix '
• 50 ml Chachi,
• 45 ml Cherry Brandy,
• 30 ml lemon juice,
• a little sugar.
In a glass dissolve a teaspoon of sugar in a little water, add crushed ice. Then slowly add the lemon juice, liqueur and chacha. Mix gently.
Also, you can mix chacha with citrus juice (especially Mandarin) in a ratio of 1 to 1 to get a simple yet colorful cocktail.
Chachi distinctive taste lies in its very origin of the grape.
Chacha is good in any form
There is reliable information that in 1945, after World War II, at the Yalta Conference the Allies, Stalin himself gave chacha as a gift to Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, who had not been known to them (as in Soviet times, it is not commercially released).
And in our time, chacha, somehow connected with famous people. For example, recently, in 2006, the alcohol market a new brand of chacha - "Vakhtang Kikabidze", dedicated to the distinguished name of the Georgian actor and singer. Some fans Chachi joke about it: "Do not drink, Kikabidze become ...".
In Abkhazia, a few years ago began manufacturing under the brand Chachi "Abkhazian Vodka." This chacha prepared in an industrial environment to ancient recipes. This drink is much less impurities than in rural Chach, which is achieved by the use of modern technology, and it corresponds to the long tradition of taste. Fortress - 45 degrees. Flavor - grape, soft.
Chacha - local national product of the North Caucasus, the pride of the Caucasian masters! This is a wonderful drink, absorbed secular traditions and good nature of mountain people. Rumor has it that chacha has the "laughing" properties. Well, what else? If you try this, "grape vodka" in the company of generous and hospitable people of Transcaucasia, the good mood and the great time you provided!
Abkhazia and georgia???
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