Old Czech Absinth
This pure emerald green Czech absinthe is prepared by an old recipe of the XIX century - the era of the highest peak of popularity, and the whole culture of drinking absinthe.
It is produced in the Czech Republic.
Fortress 70%.
Thujone content of not more than 10mg/1l.
The structure includes its wormwood extracts of various aromatic herbs and alcohols.
World-renowned absinthe
The world-famous brand of Pernod absinthe back in the world! Pernod was one of the first manufacturers in the world of absinthe. The prohibition of absinthe after the First World War forced them to halt production for many years. In the past decade, changes have been made to the legislation, and is now ready to surprise Pernod more original recipes.
Made in France.
Fortress 68%.
Thujone content of not more than 10mg/1l.
French absinthe
French high-quality absinthe La Blanche intensive alcohol content and high sagebrush. Manufactured at Distillery Devoille.
Made in France.
Fortress 74%.
Thujone content of not more than 10mg/1l.
Verte De Fougerolles an opponent the previous mark.
Fortress 72%.
Thujone content of not more than 10mg/1l.
Absent since 1859
This absinthe is produced by prescription in 1859. It contains all the elements of this absinthe - anise, melissa, hyssop, and, of course, wormwood. Yellowish-green color made in a natural way, there are no artificial additives.
Made in France.
Fortress 72%.
Thujone content of not more than 10mg/1l.
Van Gogh
Absinthe Van Gogh
The first of the brands of absinthe, produced in Russia from Czech raw materials. I must admit that in this case, are not ashamed of the Russian producer - absinthe van Gogh turned tasty and good.
Fortress 60%.
Thujone content of not more than 16mg/1l.
Vincent Van Gogh Premium.
Recently introduced brand from the same manufacturer. Premium hides behind the word is not only better quality, but a few larger thujone content (according to some sources - up to 30).
The intense green color
One of the most popular and common "emerald drinks" in the vast Slavic countries named "Vincent."
Very good sense of spices, there is a more complex flavor, the stronger the green tones of herbs.
Made in Ukraine.
Fortress 60%.
Thujone content of not more than 10mg/1l.
Correct absinthe
Russian brand of absinthe, produced under license from the British company. Has an original taste.
Taste of History (Silver)
Fortress 70%.
Thujone content of 10mg/1l
Taste of History (Gold)
Fortress 70%.
Thujone content of 20mg/1l.
In addition to these brands, a good reputation with French A. Vichet, la Cressonne and Terminus, the Swiss Fritz Duval Dubied & Fils, American Herbsaint.
There are also many other brands of this mysterious drink, but most importantly - absinthe must be of good quality.
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